Biz Money Blueprint

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Biz Money Blueprint is live — enroll now for just $297!


Meg K. Wheeler, CPA & Financial Literacy Coach

Is Biz Money Blueprint right for you?

Hear from our clients! 


"This course was totally worth the money! It provided just enough detail that I didn't feel completely overwhelmed, but confidently feel like I get the gist of this whole finance thing. There was just enough content that I was able to finish the course without feeling like it was a burden!" ~ Krista 

"Working with Meg was a game changer. I work really fast and really needed someone who worked like I did. Her starter program was perfect for me and the way she works is seamless. THANKS MEG!" ~ Amanda 

"Working with Meg is totally different. She fully understands online businesses and she has clear processes and systems so that I always know what I need to do and by what time. Not to mention she is SO understanding and never makes me feel bad about my personal aversion to handling all the financial admin that is required." ~ Jamie


Personal Trainer and
Fitness Coach


Business Consultant



You just started your business and starting to make money, but right now you’re asking yourself…

Do I have everything set up correctly when it comes to the money stuff??

What do I need to do for taxes so that I don’t get in trouble with the government?

How much money do I need to save for taxes (and how the heck do you pay them?)?!

First, congratulations on starting your business! That’s a huge step and we should celebrate!

Second, the great news is that the answers to those questions are easier than you think. Pinky promise. 

What does your biz money include?

When we say biz money, we’re talking about….

Business bank accounts




Paying yourself

Invoicing and making sales

In short, every single thing in your business that costs money or makes you money is your biz money!

I worked in corporate as a tax accountant for 12 years and while I loved the work I was doing, I hated my job. 

I wanted to build a business that would fit my life, pay my bills, and do some good. That was the dream! Cut to me- leaving corporate America and joining the ranks of online entrepreneurs. I knew I had information that other business owners needed- especially when it came to the money stuff. 

As an accountant, I was constantly getting asked questions from my friends and family about their own money stuff. Some were running side hustles and some were building brand-new companies. No matter what the business was, or how big it was, we always would come back to the same questions:

"How much money is coming in?"

"What do I need to have set up for the money stuff?"

"How much money is going out?"

"How are you paying yourself?"

"How are you paying your team?"

"How are you paying your taxes?"

Every. single. business. owner has to deal with the money in their business, but so many of them were just winging it, week to week, month to month, scared to look at bank statements, crossing their fingers when they paid bills, and hoping they had enough cash to cover expenses.

Spoiler alert— every. single. business. owner was SUPER STRESSED OUT ABOUT THE MONEY STUFF. 

They were overwhelmed and overworked, and I knew how to help them. 

🙅‍♀️ They didn’t need to hire a bookkeeper.

🙅‍♀️ They didn’t need to bring on a CFO.

They just needed to understand how the biz money stuff works.

Business finance is learnable.

You don’t have to be good at math or a numbers person in order to have your biz money sh*t together. And you definitely don’t have to do it alone.

How would it feel to have….

A financial expert on speed dial

A community of people like you who are building their own futures brick by brick

A step by step process to get all of your biz money processes set up so they are easy to track, understand, and use 

It’s time to get your…

The 3-month course and support program where you’ll get the Complete Roadmap to Setting up, Cleaning Up and Managing the Money In Your Business.

Join us today!

for only $297 

Biz Money Blueprint is now live.

What’s included in the Biz Money Blueprint? 

Here's an overview of the curriculum:

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 1:

Forming Your Business

  • Lesson 1: Entity Choice
  • Lesson 2: Business Registrations
  • Lesson 3: Getting a Business ID Number
  • Lesson 4: Business Bank Account

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 2:


  • Lesson 1: Accounting 101
  • Lesson 2: Choosing an Accounting System
  • Lesson 3: Setting Up Your Accounting System
  • Lesson 4: How to Regularly Use Your Accounting System
  • Lesson 5: Hiring a Bookkeeper

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 3:


  • Lesson 1: Getting Set Up For Tax
  • Lesson 2: Income Tax
  • Lesson 3: Tax Deductions
  • Lesson 4: Estimated Tax Payments
  • Lesson 5: Self-Employment Tax
  • Lesson 6: Hiring an Accountant

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 4:

Paying People

  • Lesson 1: Employee vs Independent Contractor
  • Lesson 2: Onboarding an Employee
  • Lesson 3: Onboarding an Independent Contractor
  • Lesson 4: Tax Obligations
  • Lesson 5: Paying Yourself
  • Lesson 6: Setting up a Payroll System

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 5:

Reviewing Your Numbers

  • Lesson 1: Money Meetings
  • Lesson 2: Tools and Reports
  • Lesson 3: Money Meeting Agenda
  • Lesson 4: Thinking Strategically

module 1

module 2

module 3

module 4

module 5

module 6

Module 6:

Cash Flow

  • Lesson 1: Mapping Out Your Cash Flow
  • Lesson 2: Make It Easy to Get Paid
  • Lesson 3: Manage Liabilities
  • Lesson 4: Maximize Profit

Plus, you also get all these bonuses!

Tax Toolkit 

  • What’s Deductible Workshop
  • DIY Tax Returns Checklist
  • Walk-through videos of how to prepare the most common tax forms on your return

Money Meditation

10 Easy Ways to Hire a Virtual Assistant to Manage the Money In Your Business

4-Day Challenge: Set Up Your Business Accounting in 15 Minutes a Day

If you want to feel less stressed, more in control and more confident about the money in your business, you're in the right place.

So if you’re ready to finally set up the money stuff in your business without the headache and hassle...

Biz Money Blueprint is the ONLY program of its kind that…

Presents the information you need in a simple, clear format

Provides you with a guided action plan to get your business money set up in as little as 3 months

Helps you put systems in place so you can get back to doing the work you love

Gives you the resources to be in control of the money in your business to make better business decisions.

Includes real-time access to an accountant and CFO for ongoing guidance

Includes real-time access to an accountant and CFO for ongoing guidance

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The 6-Step Video Course on setting up the money stuff in your business

Detailed Workbooks and Checklists

Tools, Calculators & Spreadsheets

 Private Online Community

3 months of Office Hours via Voxer to get your questions answered

Plus lots of bonuses!


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

But I HATE numbers, is this course really for me?

But I HATE numbers, is this course really for me?

But I HATE numbers, is this course really for me?

Oh gosh, I get it! While I am a numbers person, I surround myself with people who aren't so I completely understand the pain you're feeling. Here's the thing - numbers are just another set of data, like Instagram followers or email open rates. They're just one more way we can learn about our business and craft a better strategy to be successful. 

So yes, this course is for you. It's exactly for people like you who don't LOVE to surround themselves with numbers every day (like I do!). My goal is to help you create a better relationship with the "money stuff" in your business so that it works for you and not the other way around.

This seems like a lot of "stuff" to figure out. What if I get stuck? Should I just hire an accountant?

This seems like a lot of "stuff" to figure out. What if I get stuck? Should I just hire an accountant?

So here's the thing. Yes, there is a laundry list of items to go through when setting up the "money stuff" in your business. But unlike others who don't join Biz Money Blueprint, as a student you will have me to walk you through it all. So instead of scouring the internet trying to figure out the next steps, I'm going to lead you the entire way. And I'll be there every week for 6 weeks answering your questions. So if you get stuck, we'll get through it together.

And while an accountant can be a really great resource in your business (we'll talk about that in the course!), they're only one part of the picture AND I firmly believe that you, as the LEADER of your business, need to understand this stuff. You don't necessarily have to be in the weeds every day, but you do need to have a good sense for what is going on.

Should I wait until I have more revenue / am full-time in my business?

Should I wait until I have more revenue / am full-time in my business?

Here's the thing. The IRS (or your respective taxing authority) doesn't care if you're just doing this for "vacation" money or are waiting to legitimize your business until you know it's going to succeed. If you're putting yourself out into the world and asking people to pay you for something (whether or not they actually are), you are acting like a business and you need to treat it like one. 

Besides, if you play small, you'll be small. Treat your business like it's the real deal (because it is) and stop doubting that you are smart enough, capable enough or determined enough to build the wildly successful business of your dreams.

My business isn't new. Will this still help me?

My business isn't new. Will this still help me?

Regardless of how long you've been in business, if you haven't set up the "money stuff" yet, Biz Money Blueprint will definitely help you. However, if you've done most of the things below, then this may not be the right fit for you:

  • Figured out what type of legal entity you want your business in
  • Set up a business bank account and have an EIN
  • Have a good accounting system that you use on a regular basis
  • Have hired a CPA to do your taxes or have a good process in place to maximize your tax savings, understand the payments you need to make and file accurately and on time
  • Know how to pay yourself as well as have a good system to handle the tax filings for your employees and/or independent contractors
  • Do regular reviews of the money in your business and understand how to interpret and act on the numbers

Still not sure? Email and we'll figure it out together!

I just don't have the money right now…

I just don't have the money right now…

I've been there. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for a while, we all go through periods where cash is tight and there are so many other things to pay for. 

I would never want to pressure you into purchasing something that will put you in a financially difficult position, so keep that in mind as I say what I'm about to say.

What I'm going to teach you in Biz Money Blueprint is going to save you money. By setting up your business in the right way, tracking your numbers to ensure you are spending your money wisely, taking advantage of tax deductions and following up on unpaid invoices and reviewing your numbers on a regular basis to make better business decisions, you are setting yourself up to not only avoid penalties and interest but save and make more money. 

As a business owner, you will have to make tough decisions every day. Most of those decisions center around balancing risk with cost, and this is one of them. So now it's up to you to decide - are you willing to take the risk of running into an issue down the road (that will likely cost you money) or forgo saving and making more money in your business because of the upfront cost now?

I'm not in the U.S. Will this help me?

I'm not in the U.S. Will this help me?

Biz Money Blueprint is best designed for US businesses, especially when it comes to the tax section. That said, business owners all over the world can benefit from most of this program - just know that some of the options in bank accounts, credit cards and even accounting systems may be different for you than for our U.S. folks. 

If you’re not sure if this will work for you, please email us at and we’ll talk it through! 

This is A LOT of great content. Will I have access to it all at once?

This is A LOT of great content. Will I have access to it all at once?

Great question! I'm glad you asked and the answer is: absolutely. If you’re the kind of person who likes to binge everything all at once, we’ve got you covered. But… if you prefer to take it at a slower speed, we’ll be sending you an email every week for the first 6 weeks to remind you to dive into the next module. This way, if you want to break it up, you can make a plan to tackle one module each week and we’ll keep you on track. 

Because we release all of the content at once, we do have a no refunds policy. Thank you for your understanding! 

Can you remind me of everything I’m getting when I sign up today?

Can you remind me of everything I’m getting when I sign up today?

Sure thing! So that you really enjoy your time inside Biz Money Blueprint, have the support and guidance that you need, and come out at the other end feeling more confident, capable and empowered, I'm giving you so many goodies.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

  • The 6-Step Video Course on setting up the money stuff in your business
  • Detailed Workbooks and Checklists
  • Tools, Calculators & Spreadsheets
  • Private Online Community
  • 3 months of access to Office Hours to get your questions answered

is PERFECT for you if…

You're just getting started and want to do all the money stuff right

You've been at it for awhile but need to do a bit of a "money clean-up" in your business

You understand the importance of the money in your biz and are ready to put in the work to harness that power

You're already spending too much time in your business stressing about this stuff

You're not a "numbers" person and need some guidance to get there

Aware of the potential once you stop stressing about the money stuff and focus on the work you love

Ready to take the actions needed to systematize the financial aspects of your business, implement a process to use your numbers to make better business decisions and on board with making more money in your business!

Enroll today for only $297! 

Enroll now