Hey there, I'm Meg and I'm going to help you master the financial stuff in your business. I'm a CPA and corporate ladder survivor who takes small business owners from "not numbers people" to badass money makers.

Most people think the "money stuff" in business sucks. You know, the accounting and tax and cash flow stuff. Numbers. Eww.

But the truth? Numbers are the sexiest part of your business. Want to know why? Because they give you insight. They give you direction. They give you freedom.

I do what I do because most business owners I work with HATE the numbers stuff. If I had a $1 for every time someone said "I'm not a numbers person..." then I'd be living on a pure gold yacht. 

And I get it. The money stuff has gotten a bad rap, and I'm here to change that, because I know much awesomeness will happen when we master it.

CPA, Biz Money bestie  (she/her)

Hey there, I'm Meg!

Can we get real for a second?

let's be biz besties

We don't expect you to become a numbers genius. And we're not asking you to be your own bookkeeper, tax accountant and financial advisor.

What we will do is help you realize your own power when it comes to the money stuff, so that you can take those pesky numbers in your business and instead of running from them, turn them into value that you can use to make more freakin' money.

Together, we'll get your money stuff set up (that's the first step). Then, we'll put systems in place so that you can manage it on a day-to-day basis without wanting to pull your hair out. 

Finally, we'll work together to create scalable and profitable revenue streams and systems so that you can build a business with staying power.


Work With Us

Shawanda Davis

Sarah Farris



Meet The Team:

Content + Community Manager

Client Relationship Support


We're all way too busy to spend time on things that aren't going to push us forward. That's why our work together focuses on YOU taking action, in a way that's manageable for you, so that instead of spending valuable hours in the numbers stuff, you can get back to the parts of your business that you love.

Focusing on What Matters


Let's face it. Talking about the numbers is stressful, especially when you feel like you haven't done a great job at managing it all. My community is a 100% judgment-free zone. Haven't filed your tax returns in a few years? We got you. Behind on paying your quarterlies? We'll figure it out together.

Creating a Judgment-Free Zone


We break down confusing financial concepts into simple and easy-to-understand ideas. We'll show you how you can manage the financial parts of your business in a way that works for you.

taking the headache out of it


Our superpowers are:

compassion first


be yourself, always


Take action every day


Our core values:

equity & justice above all


simple is best


be a radical giver


When we say "equity and justice above all," we mean it. Our company prioritizes diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, and are committed to supporting marginalized and underrepresented business owners. We believe: 1) that Black Lives Matter, 2) in honoring the stolen lands on which we work and live, 3) that trans rights are civil rights, and 4) the abolishment of white supremacy is imperative. As long as you believe that all people ARE people, you are welcome here.

Learn More About Our Values

Get the money stuff set up the RIGHT way with the Biz Money Blueprint. This program includes detailed video tutorials, tons of resources, and access to a CPA to get your biz money questions answered fast!

Biz Money BluePrint


Looking for a financial guide who will demystify the numbers in your business and help you craft a strategy to grow? Our Virtual CFO services get you the guidance and support you need without the price of a full-time employee.



You wouldn't perform your own pap smears so why are you doing your own taxes? Stop wasting time and money trying to DIY it and let a qualified expert (that's me, CPA over here!) take this headache off your plate (and probably save you some money).



Let's work together!


Ashley, Business coach

Meg has this way of breaking down the numbers so they don't feel overwhelming. I love how easy she makes it seem, and I feel so much more confident in my business now.

Liz, compass adventure collective

Not only was Meg super helpful with suggesting various resources for me to use, but she was so excited about my idea! Her energy was infectious.

Stef, real estate coach

At the close of my first year of owning my business, I was struggling to make sense of how to file my taxes. Meg brought to light what was in the dark which allowed me to file without fear. All the T's were crossed and I's dotted. I plan to use her expertise in the future, no question!

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Let's have a chat and see how we can work together.

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